Krebsforschung SchweizFür ForschendeGeneral information

General information

The Swiss Cancer Research Foundation enables autonomous research in which the researchers remain independent and where commercial success is not the primary concern. In this way, research is also conducted on topics that are of little interest to industry, but are highly relevant to each individual patient and the healthcare system as a whole: for example, health services research.

With financial support from the Accentus Foundation (Marlies Engeler-Fonds) in 2016, the Swiss Cancer Research foundation launched a research programme that is incorporated in the National Strategy Against Cancer 2014–2020 and that funds studies in health services research in oncology.

Since 2016, each year the programme has funded up to four larger research projects (funding up to 250 000 francs) and several smaller pilot projects (funding up to 75 000 francs). The funding programme aims to address the need for improvement in service provision to people with cancer and to help to meet the challenges in the area of oncology. The findings of health services research are intended to serve patients, service providers, and decision makers in the government and the economy and to make a significant contribution towards needed restructuring and further development of the health care system.

The funded projects are allocated thematically over the entire patient pathway and the scientific disciplines involved are broadly diversified. This was shown by a preliminary evaluation of the first three funding rounds, published in the Swiss Cancer Bulletin in 2019. Find out more: